Investor Relations

On behalf of allFi, Inc., We welcome you to our Company’s online Investor Information Center. As allFi has both a private and public company, we wanted to provide the limited number of shareholders that we do have, with a website that has as much information as possible so that they can see and read about all the progress that allFi is making in the market place.

At allFi, we firmly believe that good corporate governance goes a long way toward building and maintaining public trust. Our employees are guided by our values to be safe, maintain the highest integrity, treat everyone with dignity and respect, focus on our customers and demonstrate excellence in all we do. We believe this has lead us to the sustainable economic success that we have experienced over the years and will help drive the future of our company.

The allFi corporate website in conjunction with all our social media sites, provide transparency into our business operations and all our success. We are committed to providing excellent service to our shareholders and to our clients. To that end, we encourage you to share your questions and comments with us. If you require information that is not already posted on our site, please let us know. You can reach our investor relations by way of our Contact Us page.

Thank you very much for your interest in allFi, Inc. and for your ongoing support.

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