Services Enablement Telehealth / Wellness Services FinTech (Mobile Wallet / Debit Card) Wireless, Internet, IoT Music Streaming PRODUCT INFO Enabling Brands to Expand into

Turnkey White Label Service Enablement

What we offer

Converging Services Billing System
Turnkey SAAS Solution
Fast Speed to Market
Low Cost to Market
Full Private Label UIs/Full APIs
Multiple Services in One System
Desktop and Private Label Mobile App
No Cost & Completely Secure Merchant Processing

Why Allfi?


Technology developed by a company with over 25 years of experience in wireless and 15 years with fintech. Over 150 brands and onboarded and well over 2 million customers spanning the last 2 decades.


We’re your one-stop-shop for expanding your brand into many different services. By choosing to work with AllFi, you can save on time and resources in implementing fintech, wireless, and music streaming.


Developed first for the U.S. Department of Defense (D.O.D.) as a way to securely move money in conflict zones, our white label billing platform meets the highest levels of security and used by top enterprise companies world-wide.

You Win!

We help to make the most out of our white- label services. Your stores, business centers, and current offerings are built-in marketing tools to promote these new services to your customers specific needs.

Our Suppliers / Partners

Benefits having allFi


Generate a possible $4-$20 per subscriber per month in incremental net profit. Technology provided by company with 25-year successful enterprise companies.

Better Deal

Offer your subscribers better deals on value added products and services to promote brand loyalty.

Increase Traffic

Increase in-store and in- app traffic to help improve subscriber satisfaction and drive incremental foot traffic into storesBetter Retention


Increase market penetration through powerful referral program management and subscriber engagement

Lower Costs

Remove the cost of collecting subscriber payments, reduce and possibly eliminate consumer fraud. Freely process commission payments to your customers


Enter the money remittance market and capitalize on domestic and international money movement.

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